MET Service Center:
Service Center rates, which are updated annually, are grouped into three categories based on user types:
Academic User: Any university faculty or staff client paying for services.
External Member User: Industry client with services of more than $10K per year through a service contract. Also, Small Business with pledged services of at least $2500 per year using a letter of commitment. A "Small Business" is defined per federal guidelines.
External Non-Member User: Industry client with service of less than $10K per year. No service contract required.
For more information on membership, please contact Dr. Jacek Jasinski at 502-852-6338.
Rates per hour
Academic Cost
Instrument Cost $135 $39 $65 $42 $36 $34
W/ Chief Scientist Operator $235 $139 $165 $142 $136 $134
W/ Scientist Operator $169 $73 $99 $76 $70 $68
Instrument cost After Hours $81 $23 $39 $25 $22 $20
(UofL users only):
after 5:00pm, Sat & Sun
External Member/Small Business Cost
Instrument Cost $184 $53 $88 $57 $49 $46
W/ Chief Scientist Operator $319 $188 $223 $192 $184 $181
W/ Scientist Operator $231 $100 $135 $104 $96 $93
Instrument cost After Hours $110** $32 $61 $34 $29 $28
(Authorized users only):
after 5:00pm, Sat & Sun
External Non-Member Cost
Instrument Cost $212 $61 $101 $66 $56 $53
With Chief Scientist Operator $368 $217 $257 $222 $212 $209
With Scientist Operator $266 $115 $155 $120 $110 $107
Operator Rate table Chief Scientist Scientist
Academic User $100 $34
External Member User $135 $47
External Non-Member User $156 $54
* Other: DSC, TGA, TMA Thermal Analysis Instruments, FTIR, XRD Rigaku, Particle Size Analyzer, Sample Preparation Equipment
** Special authorization by Dr. Jasinski required for each instance.
# After Hours - Starting at 5:00pm weekdays and all weekends.
Cost Tracking
Time will be logged for all users (everyone). Invoices will be sent out monthly for payment.
Rules of Use
Canceling sessions:
Cancellation shall be given no less than 24 hours in advance. Otherwise, a late cancelation fee will be charged to your account, unless you coordinate a user to take your session.
If you are more than 15 minutes late for a session, your session is forfeited and anyone can use the reminder of the session. This session will be considered a No-Show (it will be charged to you).
Users not showing up for scheduled sessions shall be charged for the session. However, users may still use empty sessions in the current day.
After Hours:
Access to Lutz Hall can be gained before 7:00pm on weekdays. Facility Access must be granted for all After Hours Users in advance by Dr. Jasinski through the University of Louisville Police Department for those working after 7:00pm during the week and all weekends and holidays. Ensuring access is the responsibility of the User.
Session etiquette:
1)To work on the instrument unsupervised, users must be trained by a staff member.
2)Save data on your flash drive. The Materials Characterization Service Center, Conn Center for Renewable Energy Research, and the University of Louisville are not responsible for data.
3)All users shall “Log In” and “Log Out” in the Log Book.
4)Users must leave the instrument and its parts and/or the sample preparation table in clean condition ready for the next user. Do not leave white sticky tabs on tables. There is a trashcan available.
5)Sample preparation is done only on the table behind the Raman. Please dust off powder samples.
Instrument Issues
If you encounter system errors or find that an instrument is not working properly at the time of your session, immediately report the issue to Dr. Jasinski. Follow up with an email to document the issue. This will help us know what issues people are encountering and track resolutions for future use. DO NOT ATTEMPT REPAIRS.
Special projects:
Special projects can be given additional consideration. Contact a staff member to discuss in detail.
Off campus users:
Off campus users must contact a staff member before using facility.
The operations of UofL-approved Service Centers are governed by UofL policies and procedures. Questions of this nature can be directed to
Staff members contact information
Jacek Jasinski, PhD
Phone # (502)-852-6338; e-mail: