MET Service Center Facilities:
Materials Characterization
Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)
200-kV FEI Tecnai F20 FEG-TEM/STEM
Gatan GIF2002 spectrometer
EDS detector
Fishione HAADF detector
Sample holders (ST, DT, heating, cooling)
HRTEM (0.24 nm resolution)
SAED, nanodiffracation
EELS (0.8 eV resolution)
morphology and size analysis
phase and crystal structure analysis
structural defect analysis
elemental and chemical analysis
elemental mapping
in-situ heating studies (structure evolution and phase transformation, etc.)
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
EDS detector
SE imaging (1 nm resolution)
BE imaging
morphology and size analysis
elemental analysis
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
EDS detector
SE imaging (5 nm resolution)
morphology and size analysis
elemental analysis
EBIC analysis (diffusion length, non-radiative defect distribution, etc.)
X-ray Diffraction (XRD)
BRUKER Discovery D8 HR-XRD
dynamic scintillation detector
LynxEye(TM) detector
Dome Heating Stage DHS 1100
Bruker EVA software
powder diffraction, high-resolution XRD
in-situ heating
Powder diffraction for phase identification and analysis
Grain size analysis
Thin film analysis
In-situ measurements (phase transformation, in situ solid state reactions, particle agglomeration, etc.)
UHV Surface Analysis
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS/UHV) also known as Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis (ESCA) is a quantitative spectroscopic technique to analyze chemical composition of the surface of solids.
VG Scientific MultiLab 3000
10-9 Torr base pressure
CLAM 4 hemispherical energy analyzer
Al/Mg x-ray twin source (1253.6 eV (MgKa), 1486.6 eV (AlKa))
differentially-pumped He cold cathode capillary discharge UV lamp (21.2 eV (He I radiation) or 40.8 eV (He II radiation)
X-ray Photoelectron spectroscopy
UV Photoelectron spectroscopy
Elemental identification (0.1 at% (1ppt), all elements except H, He)
Quantification of chemical composition (~10% - 20% accuracy)
Chemical state of elements (with 0.5 eV accuracy)
Electron band structure
Valence band maximum
Work function
Density of states
Depth profiling by angle resolve analysis (up to10nm)
Photoluminescence (PL)/Raman
Renishaw inVia confocal Raman/PL microscope system equipped with three excitation laser lines of 325 nm, 442 nm, and 632.8 nm and detectors and optics allowing measurements in the spectral range from 0.7 eV to 3.7 eV.
Typical spectral range: 200 - 4000 cm-1
Spatial resolution (confocal): < 1 μm (lateral), < 2 μm (depth)
Spectral resolution: ~ 1 cm-1
Raman point and mapping analyses to study small and large samples
Photoluminescence analysis
Optionally: thermal analysis using variable temperature cold stage (-196°C up to RT), stability 0.10°C
Raman spectroscopy for vibrational mode analysis and structure identification of organic and inorganic molecules, polymers, liquids, gels, amorphous and crystalline materials, also biological and forensic samples.
PL for bandgap measurements and defect luminescence
Thermogravimetric Analyzer (TGA) TA 2050
Thermal analysis
composition analysis
thermal stability analysis
and related phenomena
Phase transitions
Simultaneous measurements of heat flow and weight changes as a function of temperature (or time) under a controlled atmosphere
Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) Q20 (-40oC to 600oC)
Thermal analysis
composition analysis
thermal stability analysis
and related phenomena
Phase transitions
Simultaneous measurements of heat flow and weight changes as a function of temperature (or time) under a controlled atmosphere
Simultaneous Thermal Analyzers Q600 SDT (RT to 1500oC)
Thermal analysis
composition analysis
thermal stability analysis
and related phenomena
Phase transitions
Simultaneous measurements of heat flow and weight changes as a function of temperature (or time) under a controlled atmosphere
Micromeritics TriStar 3000
Automated gas adsorption analyzer using BET
Study of surface area
Study of porosity
Full adsorption and desorption isotherms
Single-Point and multipoint BET surface area
Langmuir surface area
BJH absorption and desorption
Mesopore and Macropore: Volume and Area distributions by pore size
Total pore volume
Brookhaven Instrument Corporation 90Plus
Particle Size Analyzer
Laser light scattering technique for characterization of colloids and particles dispersed in liquids
Particle-size distribution measurement
Zeta potential measurement for surface charge analysis
PerkinElmer Spectrum BX FTIR System
FTIR system using excitation laser source of 633 nm.
Spectral range: 400 – 4000 cm-1 (25 - 2.5 µm)
Spectral resolution: better than 0.8 cm-1 (isolates sharp absorbance bands)
FTIR analysis in transmission and reflective mode (no need for cutting samples)
Analysis of IR-active modes in organic and inorganic materials